
Vacancy on OK Supreme Court

Governor Fallin Appoints Patrick Wyrick to Oklahoma Supreme Court Governor Mary Fallin filled the vacancy on the Oklahoma Supreme Court left by the retired Justice Steven Taylor. Fallin appointed 35-year old former solicitor general Patrick Wyrick to the bench. Wyrick...

Debate ensues over proposed

Proposal to Require Greater Public Scrutiny of Oklahoma Judges Greater voter involvement in the selection and continued service of judges is the basis of two Oklahoma judicial reform measures that have sparked debate in state legislature. Both measures passed in the...

Plans to Amend Workers’ Comp Laws for 2017

MOORE FILING 2017 WORKERS COMP MEASURE In Oklahoma, Rep. Lewis Moore made moves to file legislation for a revised workers compensation law. The OK-based Representative made his move during the interim session of H16-012, pushing for fairer measures towards both...

Supreme Court finds Opt Out

Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Opt-Out Provision Found Unconstitutional The Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled that the opt-out provision in the state’s 2013 workers compensation reform measure is unconstitutional per Oklahoma’s Constitution Article 5,...
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